55+ investment projects from Central Asia – from planning to execution
14+ investment projects in Kyrgyzstan – achievements in construction and modernisation of plants in the Republic
200+ top managers of key energy and investment companies of the region, public authorities, EPC-contractors, engineering companies and suppliers
15+ participating countries: Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia, Armenia, Europe, China, Türkiye, Canada, and others
40+ presentations with exclusive information from top managers and CTOs
20+ hours of networking: cocktail reception, interactive round tables, discussions, pre-scheduled tet-a-tet meetings, and a lot more
Senior executives of companies and market leaders will discuss strategic development of the region and the legislative revolution in Kyrgyzstan within the opening session
NEW! Kambarata HPP-1 – round table on the international project of utmost importance
Small hydro. Small hydropower investment projects
NEW! Viable design of an HPP. Get insights directly from CTOs!
HPP financing. Investment mechanisms and public-private partnership
RES development in Central Asia. Round table. Wind and solar power